Shelf Self Facer for 36” Wide Shelves

36" Shelf Self Facers come in 17" Deep and 21" Deep and are an excellent shelf management system for presenting pre-packaged salads, vegetables, boxed grocery areas, bagged and boxed frozen products, as well as deli and meat items. The Shelf Self Facer keeps the product at the front of the shelf to provide easy shopping and maintaining the always full look without requiring massive amounts of inventory.


  • Fail safe stainless steel coil spring to keep product faced
  • Minimal inventory creates a continuous full look
  • Heavy duty extruded plastic for dependability
  • Multiple sizes available for a variety of applications
  • Designed for easy shelf restocking keeps product faced at all times and in a saleable position for your customers selection
  • Now easily reconfigure units right in the field by adding/subtracting facings and dividers as needed.


  • Standard depth sizes for 36" W are 17" Deep and 21" Deep
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SKU Description
000004196 / 75047841 5 Facer, 36" x 15"D, 7S, 3"(2.4) Front Fence
000004147 / 75042941 5 Facer, 36" x 17"D, 10S, 4"(3.4) Front Fence
000004160 / 75044241 10 Facer, 36" x 17"D, 10S, 3"(2.4) Front Fence
000004195 / 75047741 5 Facer, 36" x 19"D, 7S, 3"(2.4) Front Fence
000004159 / 75044141 7 Facer, 36" x 21"D, 10S, 3"(2.4) Front Fence

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